The project 'There is no planet B' is inspired by the problems of rubbish accumulation on eco-trails and resorts in the Leningrad region. Most tourists do not care about the issue of pollution, and the installation reflects our present and should make us think about the future. The rubbish for the art installation was collected from the beach in the resort area, the adjacent park and the railway station in the most unusual places where it should not be. It shows how careless people are about the planet and symbolically reflects a person's drowning in the fruits of his own actions. It is hard to see how much rubbish our population produces and how little we do to fix it.
The art project invites to dialogue about ecology through the prism of art. Art cannot stand apart and be neutral in relation to the topic of ecology, which has long been politicised and is a pressing agenda for contemporary society.
© 2019 By Alina Safronova Copyright